Housing Programs

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV)

The SHA is currently accepting applications for the Section 8 centralized wait list.
Visit our Applications page to apply.

The HCV Program is a federally-funded program that assists very low income families, elderly households, and disabled individuals to rent decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. These mobile vouchers provide housing assistance on behalf of the family or individual, therefore participants are free to choose any housing that meets the requirements of the program and is not limited to units located in subsidized housing developments. Participants are able to rent privately owned housing, including apartments, townhouses and single-family homes. The Leased Housing Department oversees one thousand three hundred and seventy-two (1372) vouchers.

For the convenience of those currently in the Section 8 Program, we maintain a current listing of one, two, three, four and five bedroom units.

If you have a Section 8 voucher and want to learn more, please contact David Hospedales at 617-625-1152 ext. 309 or davidh@sha-web.org.

How does the program work?

Eligible households will be issued a voucher and given up to 120 days to locate suitable housing which can be located anywhere in the United States or they can remain in their current unit provided it meets program requirements. All units must meet minimum standards of health and safety. The rent for the unit must be reasonable in comparison to rents charged for similar, unassisted apartments in the area. Subsidy is determined by the family’s income. The family pays the difference between the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized they the Section 8 program.

Who is eligible?

Eligibility is based on the family’s total annual gross income and family size. At least 75% of all vouchers issued by the SHA must be targeted to households whose total income does not exceed 30% of the area median income. Median income levels are published by HUD and may change from year to year.

How do I apply?

The Somerville Housing Authority is participating in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Centralized Waitlist. For details about the list and how to apply visit our applications page.

Section 8 Programs

Program Description

Mainstream vouchers enable families whose head of household or spouse has a disability to lease affordable private housing of their choice.

How it works

The program operates exactly like the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program with the exception that the head of household or spouse has a disability.

Who is eligible?

Individuals or families whose head of household or spouse have a disability and are income eligible. Applicants will be selected from the SHA’s waiting list.

How do I apply?

For details about the list and how to apply visit our applications page.

Program Description

The program provides rental assistance vouchers to non-elderly disabled individuals. The purpose of this program is to provide alternative housing opportunities for those disabled individuals who may not receive assistance at developments which have established preferences for the admission of elderly families

How it works

Once selected, Section 8 program requirements apply.

Who is eligible?

Single applicants under the age of 62 with a disability who are on the SHA elderly/disabled federal public housing waiting list are eligible.

How do I apply?

Visit our our applications page to apply.

Program Description

Family unification vouchers are made available to families for whom the lack of adequate housing is a primary factor in the separation, or threat of imminent separation, of children from their families or in the prevention of reunifying the children with their families. Family unification vouchers enable these families to find safe and sanitary housing hat is affordable in the private housing market.

How it works

Eligible households are issued a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher to locate rental housing

Who is eligible?

Applicants must have an open case with the DCF at the time of referral, selection, and when the voucher is issued

How do I apply?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Children and Families refers eligible clients to the Somerville Housing Authority. For further information, please contact:

Department of Children and Families, Cambridge/Somerville Regional Office
810 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139
Telephone (617) 520-8707

Program Description

The Section 8 Project-Based Voucher (PBV) program is a component of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCVP) program that provides long term –project-based affordable housing for very low and extremely low households. The SHA currently has eight-two (82) PBV units throughout the City

How it works

Unlike the HCVP, project-based subsidies are not mobile. The subsidy is tied to a specific unit for the term of a Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract. Owners select families for occupancy of a particular unit after screening each family

Who is eligible?

Very low or extremely low-income households or any eligible family that is interested in moving into a specific project are eligible. Some developments give preference in selection to households where one or more members have a special need or meet other additional selection criteria.

How do I apply?

The Somerville Housing Authority has implemented site-based waiting lists for its Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Project Based (PBV) units. This means, you can apply directly to the Project(s), Families who applied directly will be referred by the PBV owner to the SHA and placed on the SHA-maintained PBV site-specific waiting lists. Families could also apply directly with the SHA.

Visit our our applications page to apply.

Program Description

The purpose of the Shelter-Plus Care Program is to help hard-to-serve disabled homeless persons who are currently living on the streets. In emergency shelters or who meet McKinney’s definition of homelessness by providing linked rental assistance and supportive services for them. The Somerville Housing Authority with the assistance of the Somerville Homeless Coalition administers seven Shelter-Plus Care Vouchers.

How it works

HUD provides rental assistance subsidies for housing and the community matches the dollar value of the rental assistance with equal or greater dollars of supportive services.

Who is eligible?

Eligible program participants targeted by the Shelter-Plus Care Program include disabled homeless persons with preference to those homes persons (and their families) who have serious mental illness, chronic alcohol or other drug problems, AIDS, severe physical disabilities or some combination of these disabilities.

How do I apply?

Contact The Somerville Homeless Coalition at (617) 623-6111.

Program Description

The FSS Program is a voluntary program designed to help Section 8 families become more self-supporting and economically independent by linking the Section 8 HCV tenant-based vouchers with the help of both private and public resources, families are able to receive job training, educational services, and other much-needed assistance over a five-year period. The goal is to eliminate the clients’ need for public assistance and enhance their ability to achieve homeownership, if desired

How it works

A five year Contract of Family Participation is tailored for each participant. This contract outlines the participant’s goals and describes the various work-related activities in which the participant agrees to participate. The participant is allowed to modify their goals as they gain more perspective on their future and gain more experience.

As the participant’s income and rent share increases, an escrow account is established by the SHA in order to set aside funds for the participant at the end of the program. Upon successful completion of the program, the participant can use these funds for any purpose.

Who is eligible?

Current SHA Section 8 HCV participants in good standing who are willing to agree to sign a five year Contract of Family Participation.

Section 8 Homeownership

The Homeownership Program allows families with Section 8 vouchers to use their vouchers to help pay the mortgage on a home they buy. The SHA will subsidize the mortgage for 15 years after purchase. The Homeownership option is intended for all eligible Section 8 Voucher participants. This includes single persons, elderly and disabled families. HUD regulates accommodations for elderly and disabled families to make sure the program is accessible for all.

The initial eligibility requirements are as follows:
  1. You must have a Section 8 Voucher.
  2. You must be a first time homebuyer.
  3. Be continuously employed full time for 1 year. (Excludes elderly and disabled).
  4. Not owe any debt to the SHA or any other Housing Authority.
  5. Must not have been part of a household that previously defaulted on a mortgage.
  6. Attend a First Time Homebuyer workshop.
  7. Have at least 1% of the cost of the down payment from your own resources.

For more information on Section 8 Homeownership, contact Homeownership Coordinator Janine Lotti at 617-625-1152 ext. 325 or janinel@sha-web.org.

If you do not have a Section 8 voucher but would like to apply, you may fill out the MA Section 8 Centralized Waiting List Preliminary Application or apply for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program at affordablehousing.com. You may also contact Tenant Selector Kezia Baxter at 617-625-1152 ext. 335 or email keziab@sha-web.org.

Federal Public Housing

Mystic View

Mystic View
Family & Individual Housing
River Road/Canal Lane

The Mystic View Development is a 215 unit Federal family housing development located in the Winter Hill neighborhood of Somerville featuring one, two, three, four and five bedroom units. Off-street parking and easy access to public transportation is available. Each unit includes a stove.

The Mystic View Development shares the same grounds as the Mystic River Development, the SHA Administrative offices and the Mystic Activity Center (MAC). Housed in the MAC is a Computer Education Center and large community room available for community groups and private rentals by residents. SHA staff offices, the Welcome Project, and the Mystic Learning Center are also located in the MAC. For more information please visit our Resident Information page.

If you live in the Mystic View Development and want to learn more, please contact Suze Montina at 617-625-1152 ext. 356 or SuzeM@sha-web.org.

Brady Towers

Brady Towers
Elderly & Disabled Housing
252 Medford Street

Brady Towers is an 84 unit Federal senior/young disabled development located near the intersection of McGrath Highway, Highland Avenue and Medford Street. Brady Towers features private balconies, one-bedroom units, a large community room, laundry facilities and off-street parking. All units include utilities, a refrigerator, and range. Brady Towers is conveniently located near MBTA transportation, with bus stop access outside the main entrance to Davis Square and Lechmere Station.

For more information regarding an application or your eligibility, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Ciampa Manor

Ciampa Manor
Elderly & Disabled Housing
27 College Avenue

Ciampa Manor is a 53-unit Federal senior/young disabled housing development located in West Somerville. Ciampa Manor features one-bedroom units with a refrigerator and stove included. Ciampa Manor is conveniently located in the heart of Davis Square with easy access to the Red Line T Station and MBTA bus transportation. Ciampa Manor has a large community room and off-street parking.

For more information regarding application or your eligibility, please see the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Properzi Manor

Properzi Manor
Elderly & Disabled Housing
13-25 Warren Avenue

Properzi Manor is a 110-unit Federal senior/young disabled housing development located in the Union Square neighborhood featuring one-bedroom units, private balconies, a large community room, laundry facilities and off-street parking. All apartments include utilities, refrigerator, and stove. Properzi Manor is conveniently located near MBTA transportation and within walking distance of many restaurants and shops.

Properzi Manor offers a supportive housing program located onsite providing residents access to homemaking and personal care services through Cambridge/Somerville Elder Services.

For more information on the application process or your eligibility, please see the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Weston Manor

Weston Manor
Elderly & Disabled Housing
15 Weston Avenue

Weston Manor is an 80-unit Federal senior/young disabled housing development located in West Somerville between Teele Square and Route 16 (Alewife Brook Parkway) featuring 74 one-bedroom apartments, 6 two-bedroom apartments, as well as a large community room and off-street parking. All apartments include utilities, stove, and refrigerator. Weston Manor is conveniently located near MBTA transportation offering access to Arlington Center, Davis Square, and Lechmere T Station. A variety of local restaurants and shops are also close by.

For more information regarding applications or your eligibility please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Highland Garden

Highland Garden
Elderly & Disabled Housing
114 Highland Avenue

Highland Gardens is a 42-unit federal senior/young disabled housing development conveniently located right in the heart of Somerville. Highland Garden features one-bedroom apartments as well as a community room and off-street parking. All apartments include utilities, refrigerator, stove, and a private balcony. A MBTA bus stop is located right outside the building and offers easy access to Davis Square and Lechmere T Station.

For more information regarding applications or your eligibility please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page.

State Public Housing

Clarendon Hill

Clarendon Hill
Family & Individual Housing
North Street/Powderhouse Blvd./Alewife Brook Parkway

For more information about the Clarendon Hill Redevelopment, please visit https://clarendonhill.org/

Mystic River

Mystic River
Family & Individual Housing
Mystic Avenue/Memorial Road

The Mystic River Development is a 240 unit State family housing development located in the Winter Hill neighborhood of Somerville featuring two and three bedroom units. Off-street parking and easy access to public transportation is available. Each unit includes a stove. The Mystic River Development shares the same grounds as the Mystic View Development, the SHA Administrative offices and the Mystic Activity Center (MAC). Housed in the MAC is a Computer Education Center and large community room available for community groups and private rentals by residents. SHA staff offices, the Welcome Project, and the Mystic Learning Center are also located in the MAC. For more information please visit our Resident Information page.

For more information on the application process or check on your eligibility please see the Frequently Asked Questions page.

James J. Corbett Apartments

Corbett Apartments
Elderly & Disabled Housing
125 and 32 Jaques Street

The James J. Corbett Apartments are located in the Winter Hill neighborhood of Somerville on upper and lower Jaques Street. Upper Jaques Street (125 Jaques Street) and lower Jaques Street (32 Jaques Street) are both State senior/young disabled housing developments featuring one-bedroom apartments including heat, a refrigerator, and stove. Both developments have large community rooms and off-street parking. Corbett Apartments is conveniently located a short distance from Broadway where MBTA bus transportation is readily accessible.

For more information on the application process or your eligibility please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page.

LIHTC Affordable Housing

Capen Court

Capen Court
Elderly\Non-Elderly Disabled
One Capen Court

Capen Court is a 95-unit State senior/young disabled development located at One Capen Court in West Somerville directly off Route 16 featuring one-bedroom apartments. This development offers parking, laundry facilities, a large community room, nearby MBTA transportation and accessible supportive services at the adjacent VNA Senior Living Facility. All apartments include utilities, refrigerator, and stove.

Interested applicants may contact SHA Leased Housing Department at 617-625-1152 for more information. You may also refer to Frequently Asked Questions page.


Elderly\Non-Elderly Disabled

Waterworks is a 25-unit elderly/non-elderly disabled development located at 485 Mystic Valley Parkway in West Somerville directly off Route 16 featuring one-bedroom units including a refrigerator and stove. The development offers laundry facilities, community space, on-site parking and easy access to MBTA transportation. Waterworks is adjacent to SHA’s Capen Court and the VNA Senior Living Facility.

Interested applicants may contact the SHA Leased Housing Department at 617-625-1152 for more information. You may also refer to Frequently Asked Questions page.

Waterworks II

Waterworks II
Elderly\Non-Elderly Disabled

Waterworks II is a 21-unit elderly/non-elderly disabled development located at Two Capen Court in West Somerville directly off Route 16 featuring one-bedroom units including a refrigerator and stove. All units have adaptive features for occupancy by persons with mobility impairments or hearing, vision or other sensory impairments. The development offers laundry facilities, community space, on-site parking and easy access to MBTA transportation. Waterworks II is next to the SHA’s Waterworks, Capen Court and the VNA Senior Living Facility.

At initial lease-up of the project, seventy percent (70%) of the units will be subject to the Local Residency preference for families who live, work, have been hired to work in Somerville or who have been displaced from their dwelling unit in Somerville and have not obtained permanent replacement housing. The Local Residency Preference will be applied at initial lease up only.

Interested applicants may contact the SHA Leased Housing Department at 617-625-1152 for more information. You may also refer to Frequently Asked Questions page.

Section 8/New Construction

Bryant Manor

Bryant Manor
Section 8/New Construction Senior/Young Disabled
75 Myrtle Street

Bryant Manor is a 134-unit senior/young disabled housing development located in East Somerville. Bryant Manor features one-bedroom apartments with private balconies. All apartments include utilities, refrigerator, and stove. Bryant Manor has a large community room, laundry facilities and off-street parking. This development is conveniently located near MBTA transportation and shopping.

For more information on the application process or your eligibility please see the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Hagan Manor

Hagan Manor
Section 8/New Construction Senior/Young Disabled
268 Washington Street

Hagan Manor is a 24-unit senior/young disabled development in the heart of Union Square area featuring one. There is a MBTA bus stop directly in front of the building. Hagan Manor features one, two, and three bedroom apartments, a congregate unit, as well as a community room and off-street parking. It’s location offers easy access to MBTA transportation and the Lechmere T station.

For more information on the application process or your eligibility please see the Frequently Asked Questions page.