Bid Opportunities

Current Bids

Section 3

Section 3 of the Housing Act of 1968 Opportunities

Somerville Housing Authority supports Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (Section 3) that ensures that HUD-funded jobs training, and contracts are provided to local low-income residents, particularly those that reside in public housing, and businesses that substantially employ them. Section 3 is important because it helps foster local economic development, neighborhood improvement, and individual self-sufficiency in communities where covered financial assistance is spent.

Since 1994, the Section 3 program has been governed by an interim regulation. HUD is proposing a new rule that would expand opportunities for public housing residents and low-income workers and increase contracting opportunities for local businesses.

To find out if you meet SEC 3 requirement and learn more go visit: HUD's Section 3 Opportunity Portal
We urge businesses to register and participate in the procurement process. Once you have registered send us a copy of the approved application for our database.
Send to Subject Section 3 completed application for your data base.
Become a certified Section 3 Business today, it’s free.